Eczema Update

After spending our first year with Nash worrying about the possibility of food allergies, horrible eczema, steroid creams, wet wraps etc… I am feeling so grateful and so relieved that the first year is behind us and that Nash seems better and all that it seems like we are dealing with is a mild case of eczema. This is not to say that eczema isn’t tough to deal with but I think Nash has a pretty mild case and compared to my three-year olds food allergies – I’ll take the eczema any day. I am feeling this huge sense of relief that Nash can eat anything he wants, be around any food he wants and he will not die! For a while I was feeling so afraid that both of my boys would have the severe allergies that Bo does and so far Nash is not showing any signs of food allergies! I know there are many people out there who have multiple kids with food allergies and I am so amazed by your strength, patience and all you do to keep your kids safe on a daily basis.

So many of you have written such sweet comments about Nash’s skin below the pictures I posted of him as an infant and I wanted to update you all with some more current pictures of him so you can see what progress we made. If your infant looks like Nash did – there is hope. I honestly think some of it just got better with age but we also have figured out a skin routine that seems to work for us.

Thank you everyone for all your messages, kind words, prayers and encouragement.

nash_chalkboard nash_cupcake Nash2

3 responses

  1. What a cutie and his skin looks fabulous 🙂 I have Atopic eczema and one thing I can say is it does get better – I only really get breakouts now on my hands and around my eyes. It is frustrating and I’m on my journey to find something I can use to manage my breakouts! Aveeno cream is a great everyday moisturiser that I use every day to prevent stubborn patches from developing! My niece stuffers from eczema and has severe anaphylaxis to egg, it has been difficult on the family with my niece having to miss several days from nursery and watching her suffer and be so uncomfortable. But with many trips to the dermatologist and cutting out milk from her diet her skin is now great. My niece isn’t allergic to milk but it does aggravate her skin. I can agree with what you say ‘I am so amazed by your strength, patience and all you do to keep your kids safe on a daily basis.’ I am extremely proud of my sister and love my niece very much.

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